Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Fire Danger - High

Remember all that beautiful green we had this spring from all our rains???  Well this is what it becomes about this time of year and wild fires become a real problem...either careless people or lightning can set this off in a heart beat.


Brian Miller said...

i imagine so...the golden brown is pretty, yet dangerous...

Thérèse said...

True, it's going to be a real problem pretty soon with the heat... but in the morning with the rising sun it's lovely! Yesterday, realizing that I did not know any name for these plants I bought a "desert grasses" guide!

Sharon said...

A great reminder for all of us.

Kathy said...

There is already that big fire up by Flagstaff and think how cool they've been - still lows in the 30s at night. I worry about some of the abandoned homes that have really tall brown grasses.