Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday Doorway - Operating Room

These are the doors they took my Mom through Monday for a procedure to implant a pacemaker. The surgery, although two hours behind schedule, went well. She was to come home Tuesday, but we believe she may have to stay an extra day until they can control the bleeding. She's in good spirits though and I'm on my way to spend the day with her now. These are scary doors, but also amazingly miraculous doors.


Kathy said...

Good luck to your mom. Thank goodness we have these procedures available to us through our ever improving medical technology. My mom got her first pacemaker about 20 years ago. I believe she's on her third one by now, which is also a good thing because now she can use a cell phone. The earlier ones could malfunction if they were exposed to microwave tranmission. Remember those signs at restaurant doors that warned that microwave ovens were in use? I'll bet she will feel 20 years younger.

lizziviggi said...

Scary doors and miraculous doors-- well said! I'm glad your mom's surgery went well. Pacemakers are amazing. My grandma got one fifteen years ago and is still going strong!

Magpie said...

Thank you Kathy and helps to know others have done so well. She had to stay another night just to be sure, but I would rather that than she come home too early.
Thank you again!!

Judy said...

Hope your mom is home soon and feeling much better. I agree, scary doors.