Friday, October 1, 2010

Gargoyles in the Sky

This is a rain spout on the Catholic church in Flagstaff, AZ.  He caught my eye because I
thought he was a little unusual to find on a church.


Kathy said...

Great find. I didn't remember this guy on this church. You've made me want to look for him the next time I'm up there.

Sharon said...

I know right where this is. I've looked at those gargoyles many times and wondered why they were added to this old rock church.

Luis Gomez said...

Very nice. Good eye!

Pedro D. H. said...

Potencial suicider if without wings!

Great photo!

Julie said...

I have not seen gargoyles in Arizona. very good eye to capture this

Randy said...

That is a great find. Isn't there something of a gargoyles at the Orpheum downtown?

Small City Scenes said...

I love this guy--and on a church. Wonderful. MB

lizziviggi said...

A face only a mother could love. It looks like he's trying to escape!

Judy said...

I thought the same thing when I first saw those faces. I like gargoyles though, where ever I find them.

Magpie said...

Kathy, if you check out my other blog's posting "Flashes of Flagstaff", you'll see him sticking out from the side of the church. There's one on the other side too. I'm thinking they're rain spouts.

Brian Miller said...

gargoyles are cool...and yes a bit odd for a church...i think...

Diane AZ said...

Ha ha, kind of scary lookin! I've not encountered any gargoyles yet in AZ.

Anonymous said...

I read somewhere that gargoyles started out being displayed to protest against evil spirits, but who knows. =)

That sure is BLUE BLUE sky!!!

Janet said...

There are some gargoyles very similar to this one on the First Baptist Church in Selma, Alabama.

Birdman said...

Since my aunt sent me gargoyle bookends from Europe many years ago, I have been intrigued by them. Cool shot.