Looks like our friends at Theme Thursday have started their Holiday a little early and hung out the Gone Fishin’ sign. They "otter" know better than that!
This is a photo I took from quite a distance on our hotel balcony on our trip to Monterey. This man was out early one morning. If you look very closely you can see that there are a couple of sea otters floating beside him.
Why don’t you grab a pole and join us?
Looks cold, love the sea otters!
Ha! That's funny. And, yes....reminiscent of the pic I posted with the kayakers. I just love otters. When I visited Monterey years ago, I could have watched them play for hours.
haha, you all are too funny...hope he hauls them in and i like otters too...so playful. smiles.
Otters seem to be happy creatures by nature and love to play. Its quite ingenious how they open oysters on their bellies with a rock.
Cool shot!
A cold day on the sea, but is always better than a hot day.
Sea otter, huh. I wondered what those lumps were. the river Otters here are very elusive. You see them and then-flash-they are gone. MB
I could tell from his clothes that he wasn't in Arizona!
You seem to be a loyal follower though!
I like the composition on this. And that water is so textured.
you're hardcore T.T. too, i see. Had to blow up the pic to see the little critters, what fun!
I see them... how cool! Was it really that cold in Monterey that he had to wear a coat, gloves, & hat? WoW!
I see on your sidebar that it's 106 in AZ... Dear GOD in Heaven!!! It's finally cooled off here in SeMo
Your comment on my blog was crackin me up! =)
Now that looks like a nice way to spend the day. I lived in Phoenix for 40 years before moving here and I almost bought a house in Estrella Mountain Ranch once.
Terrific shot and well done substituting your own theme when there wasn't one this week.
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