Monday, August 2, 2010

Road Photography - Street Hustlers

The street corner has become a favorite medium for peddling all kinds of things. And why does it seem like it’s always campaign season?


Luis Gomez said...

Always colorful! Although not that pretty.

Kathy said...

Because it IS always campaign season for some election or another.

Sharon said...

Too bad we can't shorten up that election season! All these signs do get tiresome.

Brian Miller said...

because there is always someone who wants your vote...i really dont think it ever ends... said...

A pet peeve of mine is that the politicians usually attach their signs to rebar sticking out of the ground. If a construction company allowed uncapped rebar on a construction site, the company would get an OSHA citation and fine, but politicians can leave the rebar next to areas where people are walking and riding bicycles and no one does anything about it.

Judy said...

They put these things up way to early and by the time we are to vote, I'm so sick of them that I don't want to vote for any of them.
Dave makes a good point.

lizziviggi said...

I wonder if these signs actually change any minds? "Hmmm, I see this person has more signs than anyone else. I think I'll vote for him!"

Stefan Jansson said...

Sure looks ugly.

sonia a. mascaro said...

Love road photos!

Small City Scenes said...

Because old signs are seldom taken down. I find it a mess. MB