I’d rather be here right now.
Along the 17 Mile Drive between Monterey and Pebble Beach in California. Taken with my camera phone - unedited and one of my favorite photos of the entire trip even though I had THREE different types of real cameras with me.
Go figure. I guess you could say this camera phone was equal to the task at hand.
Please visit our friends at Theme Thursday for more takes on "Equal".
Truly a spectacular photo. I've heard many people say their iPhone or equivalent takes better pics than their camera does!
Good heavens... with your cell phone? Why am I lugging a giant DSLR around? This is a perfect shot... of course the photographer gets huge credit too! (My title for TT is the same as yours :-D )
Something told me this wasn't Arizona. Perceptive of me, right?
beautiful composition! regards
Nice one, love the colors
Love the shot ... and the message ... however, you realise of course, that all things are never equal.
I'd rather be there too!
i think something can be said of the eye of the one that holds the camera with this...it is a great shot!
Gorgeous photo of an amazing looking place! I so want to be there too!
Gorgeous shot!
Wow, I can see why it's a favorite!. What a wonderful get-away!
Fabulous. I'd never guess this was taken with a phone. Great location.
"All things being equal......" We sometimes get what we see or see what we get---LOL. I like it and never try to doctor what comes from my camera. MB
Of course never say never either. HMmm!
Ah yes..I know it well!
A great shot and a an even greater get-away!
I was just thinking that this looked like a whole lot of water for AZ!
Thanks for transporting me to another place if for a moment....
Rocky... but what a great view!
Enjoy your weekend
I think I could be happy there right now myself.
I love that drive. Oh and as for the camera phone, one of my favorite pictures was taken with my phone.
I love this stretch of highway. Great shot for a cell phone. Bravo.
Nature always has it's way lol. Beautiful picture, and nice take on the theme.
Fabulous photo. I can almost feel the breeze from the water. sometimes it's these "lucky" shots that turn out best.
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