Thursday, May 27, 2010

Theme Thursday - Wrinkles

Wrinkles are a sign of a life well lived....laughing, crying, smiling, frowning, working, playing, or just simply
drying out in the sun....

Please enjoy several different takes on the theme at Theme Thursday


Kathy said...

I do my best to avoid wrinkles because I already have too many.

Brian Miller said...

it is the sign of a life well lived...if i ever take on the color of that prune though do roll me over so i can get equal tan on my back. smiles. happy tt!

Small City Scenes said...

Too funny--perfect for wrinkles--I am laughing at this post---oops 'gotta go'!!! hahahahaha!!! MB

Thérèse said...

Wrinkles: a sign of being well alive and rich from working & or laughing experiences...

Leeuna said...

Truer words were never spoken...written. Great TT post.

California Girl said...

I'll go along with that! cheers.

PattiKen said...

I'm glad to see that those were happy plums.

Magpie said...

I was talking with my dad's mother the other day about this very subject... She mentioned that she didn't like having wrinkles because they made her look older. I responded with this, "Grandma, wrinkles aren't something to be ashamed of. When I get older, I'm not going to get any fancy 'face-lifts' or 'nip-tucks'- I'm going to wear my wrinkles proudly! They're a symbol of experience, of wisdom. Why throw that glory away for smooth, unexperienced skin? And plus, they're a great excuse for not going out!" haha, love your wrinkles, ladies and gents!

Nikki (magpie jr.)