Thursday, May 13, 2010

Theme Thursday - Mystery

So, last Monday Magpie and I went to a local recreational area to play with our cameras. She pointed to  this rock formation and asked me what I thought it looked like. I know my answer, but we’re wondering what YOU see in this mysterious looking rock.

Be sure and visit our friends at Theme Thursday for more takes on "Mystery".


Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

simple but fun mystery, thanks.

the yellowish rock looks like the head of a dolphin, it has its mouth on the bottom ...agree?

Small City Scenes said...

I also think it looks like some type of animal--you can see a mouth and an eye. It must be sneezing and spewing water. MB

Brian Miller said...

an eagle in the rain...

or gonzo from the muppets....

Diane AZ said...

Cool, looks like a lizard or frog! :D

Brains McGurk said...

Tortoise rock!

Kathy said...


Ronda Laveen said...

I see Alf.

Brenda's Arizona said...

Yea, Alf. Or a lizard with an overbite.

Cheryl said...

Hippopotamus is my guess.

Gladys said...

Is this like the Rorshak test? If I say it looks like to butterflies mating does that mean I'm a cereal killer. I never did much like that Captain Crunch.

Pat Tillett said...

It looks like a whale to me!
Hi there, I clicked your link at Brenda's Arizona. I like your photos and narratives alot. If you don't mind, I'm going to tag along.

Judy said...

It looks like it might bite if you got too close.
I'm traveling right now, so I will have to catch up whenever I can. I love the doors from yesterday, the color is beautiful.

Unknown said...

It makes me think of the good creatures in Dark Crystal. What were they called?

Thérèse said...

None of the above... I see a shark!