Sunday, May 9, 2010


May in the desert usually means the arrival of hotter temps, but the one thing I always look forward to in May is the blooming of the Jacaranda trees. The beautiful purple blooms eventually fall to the ground and can make quite a mess, but this one is in my neighbor’s yard so I don’t need to worry about it!


Kathy said...

The jacarandas have really bloomed out in the last couple of weeks. This one certainly has a nice shape.

Have a great day.

Brian Miller said...

really a beautiful tree...
i hope you day is filled with smiles.

Brenda's Arizona said...

I love the jacaranda trees - tho we don't own one, for just the reason you said! Nice colors!

Diane AZ said...

Oh, I love Jacaradas! I've only seen two or three in Tucson, but they were quite common in southern California where I used to live.

Judy said...

Pretty tree! That makes up for not having lilacs blooming there.

Randy said...

I love Jacarandas too. I used to love seeing them when they were full of color.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

hope and dreams are alive because of the green trees...what uplifting post!

Thérèse said...

Like you I love jacarandas in other people's yard! We used to have one in a former house. What a mess!