Monday, May 17, 2010

Estrella Foothills High

Duh duh DUH
This artwork adorns the side of the Performing Arts Center building of the Estrella Foothills High School in Buckeye. The school is one of the newer schools, opening in August 2001 and serves approximately 1100 students grades 9-12.

It's Monday so it's back to class! (I think)


Brian Miller said...

i like the way the siloquets are done on the says what it is all about and is inviting...

Thérèse said...

Its looks great! I am just hoping you don't need any extra sales tax increase for the school...

Diane AZ said...

That artwork is awesome and the building looks cool too. :)

Kathy said...

Isn't school out? Or just about?

No, I don't have any pictures of Patriots Park. You'll just have to rely on your great memories!

P.S. Too funny! The CAPTCHA for the word verification of this post is estray - I guess it's short for Estrella. What a coincidence!

Judy said...

This is a cool looking school. I like the building decor. Would be a nice place to go to school.

T. Becque said...

I like your photo, but I think I'm more taken by the fact that a high school has a performing arts program!

Randy said...

Wow this is really nice. I'll bet that area has just grown.

Magpie said...

@Brian: Oh, I love the Performing Arts Center!!! (aka the PAC) It's where I do all my drama activities and where I debuted in my first high school play "Murder in the Knife Room". It's a beautiful building, inside and out, and a great place where kids can be themselves! ^_^

Nikki (magpie jr.)