Thursday, July 1, 2010

Theme Day : Reflections (Yes, It's a Dry Heat)

They claim it's a dry heat. This isn't water on the roadway, but it is a mirage. And I personally don't care if it's dry or moist....113 degrees is HOT!. They do say our monsoons will be moving into the valley soon. Who are "they" and how come they know so much?

Check out more Theme Day posts at City Daily Photo.


Brian Miller said...

113 is very hot! hit over 100 a couple times in the last week...our is definitely wet heat though...hope you have a great day!

Kathy said...

We actually got a quick shower last night about 6:30 here in Central Phx. It smelled soooo good.

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» remembers heat - and mirages - like that from growing up in Texas. No thank you - he'll stay here in the Bay Area with its year-round 65ยบ average temperature!

Sharon said...

Great job capturing this optical illlusion.

Small City Scenes said...

See you do have your own pond. LOL
And I agree HOT is HOT--dry or not. MB

Small City Scenes said...

I forgot to say--even if it is a mirage. MB

Judy said...

Cool shot of the mirage! That is a perfect shot for the theme day.

lizziviggi said...

My goodness. Your temperature is literally double what ours is right now! I'd like it to be warmer... but between the two, I think I'll take 55!

SRQ said...

I love a nice mirage, like this one. Nice capture. And, I agree: triple digits = HOT!

T. Becque said...

I scene I know well! Good idea for theme day! As I write this, we are totally cloudy, windy, with the threat of a storm...wonder if it will do anything!

Randy said...

Awesome photo. I remember seeing these as I was driving home in the afternoon.

Diane AZ said...

That mirage fooled me, I really thought it was water until I read the description.