Saturday, June 5, 2010

Road Photography - Grain Elevators

I'm not sure anything typifies the Midwest more than grain elevators.

Road Photography is photography taken from the window of a moving vehicle. (I made that up.)


Brian Miller said...

thats a cool perspective looking up them to the sky...their rust contrasts well with the blue...

Sharon said...

I know that when you drive across Kansas, you see each town ahead of you by the grain elevators. Once you pass through, the next set seem to be looming ahead of you.

Rob said...

Good to know I'm not the only one who enjoys industrial type photos like this. Cool perspective

Small City Scenes said...

Pretty neat. Eastern Washington seems to be the same way too. MB

Magpie said...

Great on-the-move shot, Trace.

SFBakstad said...

Really great photo! I love taking pictures of from this perspective too. And, the sky and clouds were perfect!

Kathy said...

Awesome picture, Trace! It's funny that when you live in the rural Midwest, you don't even notice those things. Love the color!

Magpie said...

Interesting shot :D It really is a nice contrast with the color of the sky, Brian, I agree wholeheartedly! Great shot, Trace, m'dear!

Nikki (magpie jr.)