Monday, June 21, 2010


Daylilies are everywhere in Southern Illinois. Funny, I never noticed them when I was growing up.

(I'm back in Phoenix, but still have a few photos from the trip to share, if that's okay with you guys.)


Sharon said...

These are gorgeous!

Kathy said...

Actually, day lilies do very well in Phoenix and June is the month they usually bloom! These are extremely pretty and I think we all will enjoy seeing more of your trip-back-home photos. Welcome back.

Brian Miller said...

oh wow. amazing colors.....

Thérèse said...

As they are in California too...

Janet said...

I think we tend to stop and look at the daylilies as we grow older! :)

Brenda's Arizona said...

More photos! These are lovely, and I certainly have been enjoying your trip photos.

Judy said...

Day lilies are so pretty and showy. The only bad thing is they don't last long here. I have a clump in my garden and always wish they were in bloom longer. Pretty picture.

EG CameraGirl said...

They are so pretty! They are just beginning to bloom here in Ontario where everyone I know calls this kind "ditch lilies.: ;-)