Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bread, the Staff of Life

As a young girl, we lived for a time in France. One of my favorite memories was the walk home from the bakery. We always had to buy an extra loaf of bread because one was bound to be eaten on the trip home... so delicious, so warm, so satisfying. As I have recently been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, I have all but given up bread. But not today, this loaf became french bread pizza for lunch and was oh, so wonderful.


Brian Miller said...

french bread pizza, yum. giving up bread would be hard for me...happy tt!

Betsy Brock said...

yum...that sounds deeelish!

lizziviggi said...

Gorgeous picture. The bread looks amazing! I find myself with a craving for fresh french bread...

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear of the diabetes. Mom's diet says she can have white bread but to stay away from wheat. The other one completely contradicts it. We've cut way down on bread consumption, never the less. And fresh baked bread with cheese...only as they can make it in Toulon, France :P

Wings1295 said...

Nothing, NOTHING, like the smell of baking, fresh bread!

Sorry to hear about the diabetes diagnosis. I don't know, truly, if I could give it up.

Katie said...

I just have to throw in here that my dad was diagnosed Type 2 about 10 years ago but controls it with a vegan diet -- is totally off the meds although still monitors his blood sugar. Eats white bread on occassion but in moderation and in combination with a plant-based protein (such as almond butter, black bean soup, or whatever)

So anyway my dad is such an inspiration to me (works out at the gym every day at age 78!) that I'm on the 21-day vegan tryout -- on day three and it's pretty good so far!

Magpie said...

Thanks for all the encouragement regarding diabetes. I'm doing really pretty good. I've decided to just count my carbs and make my carbs count. Walk everyday - Katie - I do agree that is the secret. Get active!! Go back in February to have followup bloodwork.

studioJudith said...

Lucky girl ... .
great memories of the walk to the bakery.
Isn't it amazing how the smell of bread
is such a Universal Sigh?


Kris McCracken said...

God I love bread.

Stephanie said...

I'm with Kris on this.